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& Pricing Policies

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Monthly Tuition:

  • Tuition for September 2024 is due July 25th, 2024

  • Tuition is due on due 7 days before the last day of the month prior to attendance. If the tuition due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the tuition deadline moves to 9:00 am the prior business day.

  • Paid tuition is non-refundable.

  • A $50.00 late fee is assessed to any late payment and accrues $10.00 each additional day until the owed balance and all late fees are paid. If tuition becomes 30+ days past due, your student will be automatically withdrawn from our program.

  • Tuition reflects federal holiday closures, non-paid vacation days, two teacher in-service days, and two paid emergency weather/flex closure days (used only if needed).

  • Monthly tuition is averaged over a 10 month period and remains the same each month. The Native School is a 10-month program, operating from September through June annually. By enrolling your child, you are making a commitment to the full September - June school year.

  • The Native School does not close in the event of rain and no credits are issued for rainy days. In the event of rare inclement weather (torrential wind and rain, lightning storms, etc), parents shall be advised of closure and a credit will be issued only if we have already utilized our emergency weather closure days.

  • There are no make-up days for planned absences, sick days, COVID, weather closure days, or vacations.

  • Monthly average tuition still applies for holidays and missed days.

  • If a need to revise tuition occurs, The Native School will provide new rates with at least 30 days’ notice to enrolled families.



Additional Fees Include:

  • The non-refundable enrollment fee is equal to one month’s tuition, due upon submission of enrollment paperwork. Notice should be given 30 days prior to the upcoming month of withdrawal. The non-refundable enrollment fee may be used solely toward the final, full month of tuition and attendance. If a student is withdrawn prior to classes starting, the enrollment fee remains non-refundable. By enrolling your student, we are reserving a spot for them.

  • A non-refundable Annual Supply Fee of $250 is due 7 days before the last day of the month annually, or at the time of off-cycle enrollment.



Withdrawal Policy:

  • Families must provide a minimum of one month’s notice prior to the upcoming month of withdrawal from The Native School.

  • All withdrawal notices must be in writing via email to

  • If notice is given prior to the upcoming month of withdrawal (when tuition is due for the upcoming month) the non-refundable enrollment fee may be utilized for the full upcoming month of attendance, and tuition will be canceled for the upcoming month. There is no proration of the non-refundable enrollment fee if a family chooses not to attend the full, final, upcoming month.

  • If notice is given after tuition has been paid 7 days before the last day of the month for the upcoming month, tuition remains non-refundable.

  • In all cases, the non-refundable enrollment fee remains non-refundable but may be utilized for the final, full month of attendance. There is no proration of the non-refundable enrollment fee.

  • By enrolling your student, we are reserving a spot for them in our program. If a student is withdrawn prior to classes starting, the enrollment fee remains non-refundable.



Non-Refundable Enrollment Fee: Non-Refundable Enrollment fee equal to one month’s tuition is non-refundable, unless sufficient and proper one-month written notice is provided prior to withdrawal. In such case, the non-refundable enrollment fee may be used towards the final month of tuition. Regular monthly paid tuition is non-refundable. Please ensure we are the right fit for your family before committing funds for a spot!

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